
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

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MOAA Tampa Chapter Membership: Article IV of Chapter Bylaws:


Section 1. The membership of the chapter shall be composed of men and women who are serving or have served on active duty or in the reserve components as a commissioned or warrant officer in one of the U.S. uniformed services (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), surviving spouses and honorary members.

1a. Surviving Spouses: Surviving spouses of any deceased individuals who would, if living, be eligible for membership in MOAA are also eligible to be MOAA members.

1b. Honorary Members: In recognition of their service to the Nation, the community, or the Chapter, elected or appointed individuals holding offices or positions at the national, state or local level; Commanding Officers of the major units currently based at MacDill AFB; officers and former officers of the Armed Forces of foreign countries considered “allied” to the United States who have been recommended by the membership committee are eligible to be honorary MOAA members. Honorary membership shall remain in force during the tenure of the elected office holder. Extensions of honorary membership, in increments of no more than five (5) years, may be granted by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Applications for membership shall be submitted in writing to the Chapter’s Membership Committee. The Membership Committee will then present new members to the board of directors at the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Regular members shall submit recommendations for honorary membership in writing to the board of directors. The board of directors shall be empowered to accept or reject any application or recommendation for membership.

Section 3. The board of directors may drop any member for good and sufficient cause after that member has been given an opportunity to be heard. The member shall thereupon forfeit all rights and privileges of membership. Good and sufficient cause will include, but not be limited to, not a member of national MOAA, non-payment of dues, any and all actions not in the best interests of MOAA or the Tampa Chapter, activities which bring negative attention to membership in MOAA or the Tampa Chapter and actions not in support of the military or the United States of America.

Section 4. Regular members are required to hold and maintain membership in national MOAA.

To learn more about a membership in MOAA National, you can visit the Membership page of their website.